The Holy Sinner
Sadequain initially rose to distinction by painting human sketches, mostly angular and in nude. This earned him the title of a Holy Sinner. His famous angular, lean figures, usually clad in/around cactus not only showed the miseries of the people around him, or perhaps himself too, but also showed his craftsmanship and master strokes. His figures were generally linear and elongated. Sadequain usually coloured his paintings in purple, aqua and orange. Then a changed occurred in him in the early 70s when he started painting calligraphies and that too Quranic calligraphy. So much was the euphoria thereafter that new painters / calligraphists emerged copying his artwork or being inspired by his work. His work continued till his death - but no parallel will ever be there like him. Sadequain also painted on Ghalib and his poetry - a few of his art work is being added shortly
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